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Most Expensive Cars To Insure

Technology is going more expensive with quality..!! Mercedes SL65 AMG is the most expensive car in America to insure. Itcan set you back a national average of $3,543.81 per year in insurance costs alone. European brands including Mercedes, Aston Martin, Porsche and BMW are the most expensive to insure. Policy limits of $100,000 for injury liability for one person. Where as $300,000 for all injuries and $50,000 for property damage in an......

Minor Project Progress Report

MINOR PROJECT PARTIAL PROGRESS REPORT ON “Project name” SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE PARTIAL PROGRESS REPORT Group no: Name                              Roll no                    Section DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCOLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGLocation                                                 ......

What is Parser, Handle & Handle Truning in Compiler

Parser: A parser for a grammar G is a program that the input string w & produce as output either a parser tree for w, if w is a sentence of G or an error message indicating that w is not a sentence of G. Types of Parser: ->Top-Down Parser Recursive Descent Predictive Parser LL Parser ->Bottom-Up Parser Shift Reduce Operator Precedence Representation: ->Explicit (By Link List) ->Implicit (Sequence of productions) A derivation in which leftmost non-terminal is replaced at each step is said to be Left Most Derivation. Right most derivation is sometimes called canonical......

Find Product Key for Windows XP

To find a key of Windows XP from the CD you have follow simple steps: 1. Insert CD in CD rom and let it load. 2. Open My Computer where you can see icon of this CD. 3. Now right click on CD icon and click Explore. 4. Now open Folder named as "I386". 5. Then search for a file named "UNATTEND" in this folder. 6. Move down and you can see Product K......

BIOS Password

Some common BIOS Passwords are: j262  , AWARD_SWAWARD_PWpasswordBIOSBiostarLKwpetershift+syxz Other method to remove BIOS Password is: Remove battery for 30 seconds or require to reset jumper.If there are two jumper pins or more then leaving it for 5 seconds CMOS will reset Press escape 50-100 ti......

Pee Pole Optimization in Compiler

Pee Pole Optimization in compiler and its features are as follow: -> No Redundant load and store. -> No scenario like MovR0,A | MovA,R0 -> No unreachable code. -> No jump over the jump. -> Algebraic simplification x=x*1   avoid x=x+0   avoid ->Auto increment and decrem......

How to Change Carrier Name in iPhone 3G/3GS/4G

Its interesting to change the name of your carrier with your name and with any other name you want to. You can make your friends surprised or play prank with anyone by this thing. Here is the application which help you to change your carriers name...like you can change your carrier name from AT&T to your name. Here are some steps to follow to do this. Step 1: First of all you need to have your iPhone jail broken already because Apple......
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